Part of the charm of writing blog-pieces for national newspapers and being active on Twitter is that you attract all sorts of views. What if many of them are deliberately trollishly offensive?

In principle there is nothing to be done about this if you believe in free media. Yet it is disconcerting when some people disagree with you in a way calculated not to argue the points in a sane way, but rather to pollute the intellectual and cultural environment in a way that ends up benefiting extreme positions.

The rough logic is this:

Who are you to complain about Putin (or Islamists, or other such fanatics)?

Look at what the British Empire did and/or what Tony Blair did in Iraq and/or what NATO in Kosovo did – who are you to talk?

Double standards!!

In other words, however bad we might be, you’re no better.

In fact you’re worse, because you are a hypocrite, and I’m superior to you because at least I’m honest!

All truth is relative.

You don’t understand this, so you lose

This sort of thing pops up whenever I write for Telegraph Blogs about more or less anything, but especially themes with some sort of Russia or EU angle. Take my latest piece on MH17 and Russia/Ukraine, part of which runs thusly:

The Americans are in a difficult position. If they know that Russia’s GRU personnel were closely involved in the decision to attack the plane, this means that the highest political levels in Moscow carry direct command responsibility.

What to do with that information? If it is made public, calls for strong action against Putin and his team will swell in Washington and around the world. Yet what action might make a positive difference? More sanctions? Diplomatic isolation? Or would it be better to use this information only in tough private conversations with the Russians, in the hope of de-escalating the crisis and striking a strategic deal on Ukraine?

Under President Obama, US leadership has been scaled right back, in large part to avoid taking such awkward decisions. Obama none the less has a point in not wanting to get too far ahead of the USA’s dithering European allies – hence his typically detached assertion that it is up for Europe to “wake up” and consider tougher measures against Moscow. European leaders including David Cameron pile on the rhetoric (“Putin is a pariah”; “The world’s eyes are on Moscow”; “Europe and the West must fundamentally change their approach to Russia”) but without evincing any clear sense of what should be done when Russia digs in its heels.

Not a bad passage, highlighting some subtle diplomatic dilemmas, and certainly not a crass ‘anti-Russian’ endorsement of Western policy.

Yet out they come:

You can post endless, inaccurate, politically-correct drivel about what you want nasty foreign countries to do, but the rest of the world – Russia, China, India, al Qaeda – will carry on regardless, because they despise you. Like any feeble-minded weakling, you’ll get what you’re given; and if you don’t like it, tough…

HOW CAN WE HOLD THE US AND EU TO ACCOUNT your heading should scream,bloody bought and paid for political propaganda hacks,the lowest type of hack…

We have to hold our own to account before we decide to sit on the throne of moral superiority. Considering Blair had an illegal war in Iraq where 100,00 innocent men, women and children died because his ego and his lies, we cannot point at Putin’s front yard whilst neglecting our own back yard. Well we can, but we don’t have any moral high-ground to do so, and the label of rank hypocrisy would mute our words…

Blame Russia if you will, but remember there are two involved in this Tango and one is not better than the other, just that the usual Western hubris dictates it holds the moral high ground so all others are in the wrong, bad people. All wars are caused by ambitious people wanting more and more control over more and more land… and there’s none more ambitious than the EU claque and the hungry monster they have created…

I do love how the west takes the moral high ground. lets hold Blair and Bush to account first and then we can look at Putin…

Putin may or may not be responsible for this atrocity, but the ultimate fault lies with the EU. You can’t blame Putin for not wanting a giant, expansionist empire creeping up to his borders. It has engulfed just about every other state in Europe and is constantly threatening to become a single political entity with Germany at its head. If I were Putin, I would be worried too. If you don’t want to get scratched, don’t poke the cat…

Mr Crawford, where were you when the USS Vincennes slew 300 people on an Iranair flight? Were you pompously wondering what we could do to rein in the US president? Here it seems likely to have been an error by people who were not even under Russia’s direct control, whatever you like to suggest. The situation in Ukraine is the direct result of the fomenting by the EU and the US of the overthrow of an elected, if unlovely, government with the immediate consequence of an open threat by those who seized power against Russian-speakers in Ukraine, and subsequent violence against them including a massacre in Odessa. So it is your friends who carry a heavy responsibility for what is now happening. Had Ukraine been left to follow the democratic path things would likely have been very different…

Another sickening propaganda piece from Crawford and the DT…

Should you wish to whip up a new world war be my guest, Mr. Crawford. You seem able-bodied. A rifle, backpack helmet and pickle suit should suit you well. Do not forget your bugle. Charge!!!! Hehehehe….

Goebbels would blush at your audacity, a**hat. You want better men and women to validate your confused international meddling and die for your vanity. You are a hideous creature, and it is a pity that taxpayers are obliged to put up with you, and our troops suffer more. Silence from you would be welcome…

Who are you planning to hold to account for the ethnic cleansing of Mosul, Charles Crawford, or is that not mentioned in polite circles?

Do these people have real lives? Are they in a state of ill-suppressed inchoate rage every time they get on a bus?

Presumably the majority of these depressingly unpleasant and mainly anonymous comments are from homegrown angry UKIP-type folk and others who claim to love democracy but rail against anything any Western government actually does. But some will sneak into our media from the St Petersburg Troll Factory that spews out some 30,000 comments a day aimed in good part at key Western media outlets.

Meanwhile over on Twitter I have attracted the attention of one Boris Malgurski, a young ‘Serbian-Canadian’ film-maker who specialises in the worst type of self-pitying victim-porn Serbian movie propaganda. Such was his pure rage about NATO bombing Belgrade that he made a point of getting his education in a NATO country.

Our hero Tweets:

is a fierce anti-Russian extremist. Every word he utters in regards to is filled with hatred towards Russia.

So there it is.

His drivel reminded me of this fine account of self-destructive Serbian Russophiliac sycophancy.

Onwards to watch Piranha 3DD clips on YouTube, to dull the pain. Such as this one – just like Serbo-Putinista media trolls, those pesky lil piranhas sho’ get EVERYWHERE: