Chris Bryant, the new Foreign Office minister, who is gay, has started writing personal letters of congratulations to British diplomats who show public support for gay rights. He is praising them for such support even if it draws anger from national governments or local homophobic groups…

In a letter to the British ambassador in Poland, Ric Todd, Bryant wrote: "I wanted to congratulate you on your flying of the Rainbow flag next to the Union flag last year, and your guide to lesbian gay and bisexual and transgender rights translated in Polish this year. I know you had some flak, but frankly more power to your elbow. Britain is not just a tolerant country. We fully respect the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexuality."

Life imitates Art. As always.

Go it, Minister.

Show an exhausted world that you are a serious supporter of human rights.

Write handwritten letters to HM Ambassadors in eg Saudi Arabia, Moscow and Beijing instructing them to fly the Rainbow Flag beside the Union flag.

Then brief the Guardian to let us know what happens next.