Via Drudge, this piece at Big Journalism which claims that the evil excesses of certain Islamist fanatics known as the Af/Pak Haqqani terror network have prompted a violent backlash against them:

As Siraj Haqqani moved from village to village, rounding up the sons of poor Muslim families to fight for the Taliban and Al Qaeda, he offered the villagers free medical care.  He even sent his physician, Dr. Hassan Duraz to conduct the clinics.  There was a horrific catch, though.  Duraz was a monster…

For those women and girls unfortunate enough to catch the good doctor’s fancy, it was show time.  The Haqqani uncle and cousin would be brought into the exam room, they would set up their video equipment, and Duraz would drop his trousers and go to work.

The Haqqanis and Duraz sexually assaulted poor women throughout the tribal regions and captured every moment of their degradation and humiliation on video to enjoy over and over again.

Then, when the story broke, urgent action was needed to cover tracks. Namely murdering all the luckless women concerned, and indeed the vile Dr Duraz too.

But one of the tapes is now circulating.

Siraj Haqqani – you are so doomed.