Perusing the website of the British High Commission in Malta (as of course one does) I found this link to a letter written by PM Gordon Brown to Dr Alan Williams MP of the Liaison Committee on the way forward after the Copenhagen Climate Change summit.
It also is on the No 10 website, adorned with a ridiculous photograph.
The Liaison Committee of what? you cry.
Dunno. It doesn’t say. But it looks like a UK Parliamentary Committee.
Forget the policy, whose credibility is quickly dripping away as per that photograph. Look rather at the inept clumsy drafting.
If those countries which agreed the Accord in Copenhagen inscribe (sic) into it the commitments they made in the run-up to the conference – and I believe it is very much in the global interest that they should do so – the international community will have taken the first steps towards an historic transformation in the trajectory of global emissions.
What? Apart from the rather smutty imagery, how can you transform historically or otherwise the trajectory of a global emission?
It is important that the European Union maintains its commitment to move to a 30 per cent reduction in emissions if others are also ambitious.
And if they are not ambitious?
I believe it is strongly in the Ell’s (sic) economic interest to incentivise low carbon energy and technology investment through this goal.
What the ‘ell is the EII?
As ail (sic) countries implement their own domestic plans, the global opportunities for green growth will be enormous.
It’s your climate policy which is ailing, Prime Minister.
Already a $3 trillion global market, I (sic) am convinced that the benefits will flow not just to developed economies but to emerging and developing ones as well.
Since when was Gordon Brown a £3 trillion global market? Not worth quite as much as that, methinks?
We cannot afford to delay in implementing the far-reaching commitments on reducing deforestation which many countries have made, and to (sic) utilising the finance which has been committed.
We need to begin now the process of ensuring a trajectory from 2013 towards the 2020 goal agreed in the Accord of $100bn pa in finance flows to developing countries.
Aaargh. Another trajectory. What is it about all these Brownian trajectories?
And so on.
This is another musty needy NuLabour production. The word ‘must’ appears 12 times. The word ‘need’ 9 times:
This strange repetitive exhortatory language detached from any real analysis of the problems is reminiscent of the communist apparatchik from Party HQ standing on a barren collective farm field and addressing the workers.
He hectors them to even greater efforts to bring about the triumph of socialist productivity. They stare blankly at him, lost in their own thoughts and the disappointed emptiness of their blighted lives.
What the Ell is happening at No 10 which allows such poor work to be produced and issued for the historical record?
Were I HM Ambassador at a post overseas, I would refuse to link to this awful piece of work on my post’s website until a corrected version was posted at no 10.
Why should my Embassy’s good name be diminished by No 10’s incompetence?