Attention, militant and extreme Islamists! Especially in Bosnia.

An attempt has been made back in the 1990s to put round a forged letter from British Prime Minister John Major to FCO Minister Douglas Hogg, supposedly ‘revealing’ wicked British anti-Islamic policies.

Well, here it is.

I want you all to pay careful attention as I show you and the rest of the planet for the very first time just what a rubbish effort it is.

OK? Let’s start.

First, layout. No 10 letters are not scrunched up clumsily on to a single page like this one. The substance of a letter does not start on the line immediately below the ‘Dear X’ line.

Form of address:  the address is all wrong at the top of the page. Plus a Prime Minister does not write to fellow Ministers in this way. A No 10 Private Secretary will write to the corresponding Minister’s Private Secretary, conveying the PM’s views.

Vocabulary/Grammar: we all know that under Labour the quality of official letters signed by the Prime Minister has slumped. But back in 1993 under a Conservative government things were still done properly. A No 10 letter from that date or any other period will not have indepth as one word, Slovenia spelled as Slovinia, the word Cabinet absurdly in inverted commas, use words like "real-politic", have lumpen errors of spacing words, reference to a "NEW World Order" based on a "Christian-Civilisation". Dates are not used in the form 15.1.93.

Punctuation:  exclamation marks are eschewed, so no zany injunctions to obey "Cabinet Responsibility!"  In English we do not end sentences like this: especially here in the U.K.,

Substance:  is obviously stupid beyond analysis, including the supposed British ambition of dismembering Bosnia as a possible "ISLAMIC STATE" within Europe. We do not refer to something called the E.C.

And so on.

There are manifold other little inconsistencies and rookie errors which I won’t reveal, lest I make it too easy for you to do a better job next time.

As for Dnevni Avaz, you sneakily have deleted the ‘facsimile’ from your website. Cowards.

But I have found it on your Avaz forum, and copied it for the record:


Thus your furtive little ploy to tell nasty little lies is recorded.

For ever.