ADRg Ambassadors are now gathering nice momentum.
After launching ourselves last year as the world’s first Ambassador-level mediation and consultancy panel, we have now reconstituted the group formally into an LLP. The plan is steadily to build the ‘brand’ by emphasising the way we can contribute to high-level corporate diplomacy.
One way of doing this is through bespoke training and coaching, imparting key skills and operational tips to senior executives to help them deal with the various representational and cultural pressure they often encounter. This includes speechwriting/speechmaking and other key public presentation skills, as well as advice on networking, policy analysis, and top-end writing technique.
We specialise in heavy emphasis on what works (and what spectacularly fails) in practice, drawn from long and sometimes bitter experience.
Different international organisations are very interested in what we offer, so in a week’s time a couple of us are off to Vienna for four days’ training in Advanced Negotiation, where each day has a roleplay based on tough real-life problems.
All my loyal readers are the sort of people who have many senior international contacts who may need problems tackling anew, or good realistic advice on how to be more ‘diplomatic’. You know what to do.