Are you following the stupidity and incoherence of the Occupy Wall Street #OWS tendency with its lumpen supporters in differemnt US cities?
Ed Driscoll gives us a helpful round up of why the phoney idea of Liberaltarianism (ie the supposed new synthesis between libertarian and left-liberal thinking) is meaningless.
And then there’s … OK, you can guess:
Ah, but the great advantage of mass moronization is that it leaves you too dumb to figure out who to be mad at. At Liberty Square, one of the signs reads: "F**k your unpaid internship!" Fair enough. But, to a casual observer of the massed ranks of Big Sloth, it’s not entirely clear what precisely anyone would ever pay them to do.
Do you remember Van Jones? He was Obama’s "green jobs" czar back before "green jobs" had been exposed as a gazillion-dollar sinkhole for sluicing taxpayer monies to the president’s corporate cronies. Oh, don’t worry. These cronies aren’t "corporate" in the sense of Steve Jobs. The corporations they run put "people before profits": That’s to say, they’ve figured out it’s easier to take government money from you people than create a business that makes a profit.
In an amusing inversion of the Russian model, Van Jones became a czar after he’d been a Communist. He became a Commie in the mid-Nineties – i.e., after even the Soviet Union had given up on it. Needless to say, a man who never saw a cobwebbed collectivist nostrum he didn’t like no matter how long past its sell-by date is hot for "Occupy Wall Street." Indeed, Van Jones thinks that the protests are the start of an "American Autumn…"
… Underneath the familiar props of radical chic that hasn’t been either radical or chic in half a century, the zombie youth of the Big Sloth movement are a paradox too ludicrous even for the malign alumni of a desultory half-decade of Complacency Studies: they’re anarchists for Big Government.
As, perhaps, are we, if we are relying upon this horde of dimwits and agitators not only to pay their own way in the world but also to generate enough of a surplus to pay us oldies our Ponzi Pensions in some twenty years’ time.
Do it for the children, the Democrats like to say. They’re the children we did it for, and, if this is the best they can do, they’re done for.