Here is another Guardian piece on the moves by the new Polish government led by Law and Justice to heave out key people from the state broadcaster and bring in new people they appoint:
Under the new law, senior figures in public radio and television will be appointed – and sacked – by the treasury minister, and will no longer be hired by the National Broadcasting Council. Under the legislation current managers and supervisory board members of Poland’s public broadcasters will be fired with immediate effect.
The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party had earlier said it planned to turn the PAP news agency and public television and radio – all currently state-owned businesses – into national cultural institutions like the opera or the national museum.
The media measure is the latest controversial legislation introduced by the PiS, led by the former premier Jarosław Kaczyński, since it won a general election in October after eight years in opposition.
Late last year Duda passed into law a reform of the constitutional court despite mass protests and claims by the opposition that the changes threatened judicial independence. The Council of Europe, the continent’s top human rights watchdog, had urged Duda against signing the media law. On Tuesday the body’s human rights commissioner, Nils Muižnieks, appealed to Duda not to sign it.
The Polish government’s moves have prompted escalating warnings from the European commission that it could intervene, including two letters from its vice-president, Frans Timmermans, asking Warsaw for information. In an unprecedented move, on 13 January the commission will debate the state of the rule of law in Poland, which could theoretically result in Poland losing its EU voting rights on matters that concern the entire 28-nation bloc.
These idiotic EU noises come under authority Brussels has to act when there are ‘systemic threats to the rule of law’ in a member state. This is so obviously not the case in Poland now that one wonders what is making senior EU people act in this way. Probably they have been frothed up to do so by members of the former Polish government embedded in EU senior positions and their liberal-minded media pals in Warsaw. Anything less likely to make the Kaczynski tendency in Poland reconsider its position is impossible to imagine.
Here’s the comment I have added on the Guardian site:
When I was UK Ambassador in Warsaw when the PiS-led coalition was in power from 2005-07, I was startled to be sent from No 10 a ‘secret’ letter to the PM from a senior UK academic familiar with Poland who warned that democracy in Poland was about to be overthrown. Shock!
I replied that it was utter drivel, a completely ignorant or mischievous misreading of what the Kaczynski twins represented and wanted.
I see that many commenters here are again making similarly fevered claims.
Just one Big Point to think about.
When communism crashed in Poland the Solidarity leadership took a decision to draw a ‘thick line’ and leave the (communist) past behind. This was hailed by many people (but not all Poles) as a profoundly wise/moral move, allowing the former communists to join democratic society if they espoused democratic principles. Hence in a few years former communist President Kwasniewski beat Lech Walesa himself to win the Presidency.
PiS (who have plenty of ex-Solidarity people in their ranks including J Kaczynski himself) tend to think that that ‘thick line’ was too generous to the former communists and their privileged children, many of whom have done impressively well in keeping senior roles in public and business life and skewing public debate in a leftist direction. They want to recalibrate things somewhat so that Poles who do not come from that crafty self-serving communist tradition (or who have been historically disadvantaged) get a better chance. Hence moves now to clean out a range of people from eg the state media and the court system.
Imagine that a conservative-minded UK government wants to make the publicly-funded BBC less liberal-Left (as it trivially obviously is). It would take steps to replace a number of senior BBC people with other no less conscientious/principled Brits of a different political instincts. Imagine the shrill squeals and wailings from the London and Brussels chatterati.
Something roughly like this is going on in Poland, except that in Poland the political bias of the main state TV channels against PiS in the presidential elections last year has been an obvious disgrace (whatever you think of PiS) that needed and is now getting a swift kick up the trousers.
Result? In a few years’ time Poland will have elections as scheduled and PiS will do well again, or not. Democracy in Poland will carry on in good shape (subject to wider European convulsions of course).
Another story from those PiS-coalition years.
At a meeting of EU Ambassadors in Warsaw the nutty idea was proposed of us EU member embassies monitoring Poland’s democracy and human rights that (it was said) were being mortally threatened by PiS and Lepper. I politely pointed out that maybe it would be good if someone monitored what was going on in eg France, where Jewish graves were being regularly vandalised. The subject was quickly changed.
Poland like everywhere else is complicated. The people running it now are not stupid, are rather left of centre themselves in key respects, and have one of Europe’s most convincing democratic political mandates. Even if you don’t agree with them, spend a little time in exploring what is really going on, and why policies that look unattractive now may in fact turn out not so bad in a few years’ time.
Sound advice.
This is a very good opinion abiout the situation in my country. The truth is that previous government didn"t respekt any citizrens, the media were entirely at It"s beck and call, the most esencjal case fot PO and PSL coalition was to także care abiout It"s own business. Nów, the voices that allegedy are fighting for "demokracy "in reality there people arę not able to come to terms with lost of leverages and placements and they lat that demokracy Is unsafe. To sum up: most of Poles have been waiting for the change and for keeping a tight rein on ignorancy and willfulness of PO-PSL government.
Sorry for letter's mistakes:/. I was writing from mobile phone and I didn't notice them. is it possible to edit that commentary ?
You have no idea who is opposing to the rightist's crazyness. It is not about being "not able to come to terms with lost of leverages and placements " – it is all about style PiS (L&J) is doing the coup d'etat. They are fatal, they are rythless and they claim that either you are with them or against. My grandpa was remindning me this – he has heard that in 1939…. and in 1945…. and only in 1989 ('90) nobody asked….
The voice of reason, as usual.
"Probably they have been frothed up to do so by members of the former Polish government embedded in EU senior positions and their liberal-minded media pals in Warsaw".
That's the sad truth. The previous PO-PSL opposition just can't stand their failure in the presidential and parliamentary democratic elections so they try to engage ill-informed or just stupid UE members into Polish affairs to use them to bother, demotivate and faze the Poles who voted for PIS and the President Duda and this way to attempt to overthrow the new government. PO members have neither shame nor moral compass. They are furious just like children deprived of toys. But the Poles are not stupid as these traitors think…
Should be: the previous PO-PSL coalition, not opposition, of course…
This author is one of the very few, who seem to understand that the effects of Polish 1980 Solidarity Revolution were stolen in 1989 by the "thick line" group, consisting of communists who co-opted some anti-communist opposition members. There were some attempts to finish this Revolution in 1992 and in 2005, but at that time the Solidarity was to week to defeat "thick line" party. Hopefully, if the Brussels doesn't interfere, the revolution will overcome now.
Bravo Ewa.
In Poland there used to be a popular colloquial proverb by H.Sienkiewicz : 'if negro Kali steals a cow that's OK buf if the cow is stolen by the others that's not good'. This is the essence of right values of liberal policy.
Spot on!
Mr Crawford constructs a false dichotomy, writing about PiS which "have plenty of ex-Solidarity people in their ranks including J Kaczynski himself", implying in this way that all their opponents are post-Commies or their children. The problem is that parties opposing PiS also have plenty of old Solidarity fighters, many of them with a more illustrious record than Mr kaczynski. On the other hand, PiS doesn't have a problem with welcoming to its ranks figures like Stanislaw Piotrowicz, who was a member of the Communist party until the very end, a public prosecutor in the 1980s who pressed charges against a local Solidarity activist and was decorated for his efforts in defense of the ruling regime in 1984. (Not to mention his more recent attempts to sweep under the rug a case against a pedophile priest). Kaczynski's policy on the issue of who is an heir of Communist privilege and who is not, seems to be, to paraphrase Hermann Goring, "only I decide who is a post-Communist".
Secondly, people who are now replacing senior executives in the Polish public media are not simply "no less conscientious/principled Poles of different political instincts", but pro-Russian, pro-Putin writers, such as the new assistant director of the Polish Radio Marcin Palade. Which does not suprise me a bit, because they are the heirs of the pre-WWII ND (National Democracy) and ONR (National Radical Camp), which had pro-Russian, nutty-Slavophile flavour. As Czesław Miłosz has observed, "Jest ONR-u spadkobiercą partia".
I would like to aks you Tatiana from where you are making the point that Mr. Palade and other nominates are pro-Russian and pro-Putin. Yes, I know where mr. Palade is pulbishing but I had also read and watched quite a lot of his comments and I never encountered any trace of such remarks. I think mr. Palade
I do agree about your comments that it's not obvious thing now who is post-communist and who is post-Solidarity in Poland anymore. For sure Kaczynski's party has no less moral and historical right to refer to Solidarity heritage than others.
I understand that not everyone has to love the conservative party to rule his/her country but it is ridiculous to call every adversary pro-Putin, antidemocratic, fashist, etc. Calm down, it's not the end of the world.
Well, let us keep this accurate.
First, Mr Crawford never said that Pis is the only political group with ex-Solidarity members. So your argument, obviously missed the point here.
Secondly, there are no facts (actual or previous) showing any changes in Mr Kaczynski (and PiS) in their criticism of Russia Federation politics. Especially after two events, Smolensk tragedy and repercussions in legal matters but, what is far more important, violated the internal structure of Polish society itself. And Polish Government actions, showing their support to Ukraine after Putin invasion. Both, when Majdan was taking place and PiS was in opposition, and now.
Best wishes in 2016 and looking forward to see if you replay or not
"Mr Crawford never said that Pis is the only political group with ex-Solidarity members. So your argument, obviously missed the point here. " – this is naive and simplistic argumentation …
By saying that one group has ex-Solidarity members and not specifying that this is also the case with others Mr Crawford is clearly suggesting that it it PiS that has the mandate of former Solidarity.
Don't make me laugh. The communists used to accuse Polish patriots of being fascists. Now the new post-Communist "elite" made up of some of the old communists and their new allies some of whom once were Solidarity fighters accuse Polish patriots of being both fascists and communists/pro-Putin. This won't work.
First of all you are usurping, like all of PiS, the term 'patriot'.
Secondly, the accusation of being fascist or communist has logical justification – PiS is taking a lot more power than any other previous government and it is similar to power grab of those totalitarian regimes.
First, I didn't vote for PIS but for Kukiz'15.
Second, Mr Crawford has explained well enough why what's going on in Poland these days is far from dictatorship, not to mention totalitarian regimes.
Last but not least, as for the 'usurping the term patriot', I'm not surprised by what you're saying. Those who formed the Confederation of Targowica in 1792 and asked the Russian queen for help, which resulted in Poland being partitioned by Russia, Prussia and Austria, also called themselves patriots.
How you may say it ? it is a total lie for me. Are you forgetting PO-PSL government , they had ALL the powers on each level of the state in their hands for 8 years, and they were abusing it totally ! They wer splitting in the face of the nation each day ! They were lying lying lying and stealing everything they could and taking corrupted money from international companies. No scandal of corruption was resolved.. It was just the country of no-law.. On the tapes you may even hear that Minister Sienkiewicz ordered to put a fire to the box of the guard of the Russian Embassy to blame the PIS opposition or other real patriots..They were forbidding demonstrations or were doing provocations with policemen in civil acting like hooligans to provoke others ..They have put their people everywhere: in medias, institutions, etc.. They were not respecting the will of the nation at all: they have put to garbage many petitions with 2millions of voices on each ! This was the real totalitarian regime for me. Many of these people should be in prison now, but nobody was judged.. The tapes have shown the level of corruption, arrogance, hypocrisy and crime. Now Poles have elected PIS to do reforms and clean the corrupted system. PIS needs to have some power to act. This power is not bigger than for example in France where the institutions are working better and the President has much more power..
It seems like you've misunderstood my 2nd reply to Adam. I meant PO-PSL-KOD-Adam etc. are behaving like those who formed the Confederation of Targowica, claiming they are patriots while in fact they're the opposite.
Very accurate article
The Ambassador forgot that in PIS and in goverment are the comunists .Kaczynski is the disaster for Poland!
Yep. I love when people used Google Translator. You should take some English lessons my Polish friend. Anyway, very accurate article. Poland is a very specific country.. However, at the moment is a voice of reason in this policy correctness that represents western europe.
Thanks Excellency for your comment about the situation in not – any longer POland but again Poland
Best wishes from your former "neighbour" at Bagatela
Iwona Skrobotówna
I absolutely disagree. If things continue the way they go now, we might not have fair elections in many years to come.
Charles its an excellent post but I don't entirely agree. Yes they have a democratic mandate and most things are none of the EU's business and yes its normal to want to control state media (who in any case relies on TVP except for M Jak Milosc).
What is more of concern is that almost every other thing they have done in the last 3 months also seems incorrect, they are appointing very young and inexperienced people to other entities, not just TVP, and they are now rowing back on their key election promises of 500 zloty for all kids and a lower retirement age. I also question the mandate that was given to Mrs Szydlo and Mr Duda when it turns out that the decisions are being made elsewhere – that is disingenuous and I'm sure a trick that Polish voters wont fall for again.
And in case of Tusk and Kopacz decision's weren't made elsewhere? Of course not in Berlin and Brussels, right?
Update for your convenience: the 500 zl plan is going as smoothly as can be, and quite a bit of the "inexperience" can be attributed to nepotism being set aside and unconnected (and arguably more competent) people being called on to fill jobs. As for decisions… I mean, is anyone here naive enough to believe the faces in the TV actually make the decisions? Bah. They're there to look nice, jeez.
Mr Crawford well done.
Knowing your connotations with Radek, it’s a quite surprise.
My best regards.
thanks for the article, I agree with everything
PiS is not my party but talking about end of democracy cos you disagree with some of their ideas is just stupid :C
I would say that PO and their supporters should learn more about modern democracy than J Kaczynski thou XD
Thank You Sir. This is a perfect diagnose of political relationships and understanding of the current situation in Poland.
Regards, Tomek
Who is this "senior UK academic familiar with Poland"? Norman Davies?
I bet it isn't him. I would be disappointed if it was.
Thank you for this excellent post as it is a measure of sanity countering recent media hysteria. I am not a PiS supporter but the hypocrisy of the opposition and Polish mainstream media bias are the reason for PiS and the anti system Kukiz party winning such a large proportion of the vote in democratic elections, including my vote. I do not agree with their methods, but I believe they have few other choices given formidable forces aligned against them. The protests in Poland are a minority movement, with numbers quoted by the Police well below those reported in the Polish and western anti PiS media. Polish democracy is alive and well as those protesting have not even been subjected to water cannon.
Yes, the new government is the big historical chance for Poland to liberate from this corrupted and not democratic system. ( The " Democracy" was just the illusion to show outside..) There is no "coup d'etat" here ! These are just lies by people who lost the election or who defend the international mostly german companies which do gigantic businesses in Poland without paying taxes ! People of Poland wanted changes to clean the post-communist corrupted system and have finally a real democracy respecting their own citizens. The system is so blocked now that is is even a miracle that the elections could be won ! ( Most of media which were totally NOT independent were doing just untruthful propaganda for the PO-PSL government. It was really shameful.. The new government HAS TO act quickly – if not the enemies of independent and strong Poland may stop them.. Too much money are involved……
Thank you for the balanced and accurate assesment of the situation.
Most refreshing after the absurd allegations one reads in supposedly reputable media. The point of the matter is the quality of coverage of Central-Eastern Europe by Western European press is still sub-standard. Even venerable journalists (like T.G.Ash or Edward Lucas) tend to rely heavily on personal contacts they formed during the 1980s in Poland – and trust them explicitly. The obvious duty to consult at least two sides of the political quarrel in order to deliver a reasonably balanced view to one's readers – elementary as it it might seem – seems to have evaporated from media ethics.
Polish people have made their choice in free and honest elections. It was high time to get rid of the woefully ineffective PO government, with its gallons of sleaze and blatantly preferential treatment of foreign banks and corporations over Polish ones. PiS isn't hostile to foreign investors – it just wants to give national industry and enerprise a fair chance of competing – exactly the way French, British or German governments are doing. That's what irks.
You are right. Poles had elected the new Law&Justice government to clean the country from the post-communist corrupted system which was not a real democracy. The media in Poland till now were just pure propaganda working for PO- PSL coalition and were they lying about others who were against that situation. For 8 years it was no law nor justice and the citizens were treated like not existing s..t. ! Many petitions of 2millions signatures were just put to garbage with no respect for democracy.. As Poles we want change and we want Poland to become a real democratic country which is not used by Germans like they colony in which they have almost monopole everywhere and do not pay taxes.. ( 80% of press and regional newpapers belongs to German companies which would be illegal in Germany !!. Poland is the most defrauded country in Europe after resent Global Financial Integrity report and is loosing on it each year more than 90 billions zlotys, which is 5% of GDP. .. . Now we understand why all the groups of interest steeling in Poland are against the democratic changes and good reforms in Poland. Here are more information about the REAL situation in Poland. Please read and sign the new Petition Support Polish Democracy by Ewa Stankiewicz and Glenn Arthur Jørgensen :…
I do agree to the point. It is complicated, every country has its tastes, it is not about what they do, it is about how they do it, and thus people are against. We were working hard to reach "western poluted" standards. They might not be the best in every aspect, but this was about being fair. Here?? Forget about being fair, forget about minority interests. It is all about Kaczynski and his willingness to show off. That is patetic and truly worring. I won't agree for it even if my only defence is to go to the street and shout alaud what i do think about disrespect for Constitutional Tribunal and media slavery. I was working too hard for 26 years to let one diseased mind to make it diminished.
" in Poland the political bias of the main state TV channels against PiS in the presidential elections last year has been an obvious disgrace (whatever you think of PiS)"
Really? What is the basis for that statement?
A recent report by Poland’s national broadcasting council found that the most partisan outlets were pro-PiS ones, such as Telewizja Republika and TV Trwam (run by Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, an ultra-conservative Catholic priest).
TVP1’s news programme was deemed one of the most balanced.
That has of course changes, as in the last few days the TVP (national TV) reporters are fired and replaced with those e.g. from TV Trwam – in which literally 99% of time is devoted to PiS.
BTW – the least said about the alleged dichotomy PiS=Solidarity vs its opponents=post communism, the better. There are plenty of PiS politicians and supporters who used to be members of the Communist party, while most of the anti-communist opposition opposes PiS as well (the Civic Platform former PM and President, Mr Tusk and Komorowski, being good examples. Both imprisoned by the communists – a claim Kaczynski can not make).
Tusk and Komorowski were just some of the pigs (the former cleverer than the latter) on the animal farm Poland was until last year’s elections.
Have no illusion. The majority of the comments above come from people who are paid for supporting PIS propagada. They have in fact an army of soldiers that do Internet comments. They are not regular Poles like me who are scared of what PIS is doing.
In fact PIS is not realising ANY campaign promises. It's ruining Poland, it's democracy, well-functioning institutions and it's treating political opponents as shit. The same folks go to church everyday to confirm how they love their brothers.
THE EU MUST AND WILL TALK ABOUT THIS ALOUD. We don't wanna have new Putin-like state in Europe.
And how much you have taken for this post?
* * * * *
Usually a couple of stiff drinks before starting to write, but I’ve foresworn alcohol for 2016, so nothing – Ed
the venom of hatred …
I would like to be paid for what I write, but it is not a case.. You are right, the PIS have an army of soldiers like me who have voted for them because we can not support any more the lies , arrogance and dishonesty of PO-PSL and now their perfidious continuation Nowoczesna which is paied by Banksters ! As somebody said I am fed up by POland , I would like POland become Poland again.
Hey, poke. The 500 zl thing is on track, and lowering the retirement age is on the drawing board, so the are realizing a lot.
That's more than I could ever say for PO…
Excellent blogging. EU is quick to bully relatively small countries if their government is conservative.
One may also ask : what have the EU done about France, my home country, when after being elected, president Sarkozy also reformed the omination process of the public TV and Radio organization ? Even though president Hollande in 2013 made the national assembly repeal that law, and gave nomination power to a public corporate body (CSA), the head of the CSA is a former socialist aide, M. Olivier Schrameck, and the new president of France Television, Mrs Dernotte, is also a socialist close to Hollande, and she choose as deputy another rather extreme left from the green party.
By the way, the TV press vote, according to polls, 90% for the socialists.
But of course, it is a chasse gardée. In a conservative government wants to introduce more balance, as in Hungary or Poland, it is branded as crypto-facist.
You know what ? I posted the same comment, in French, under an article related to Poland and the anti-government demonstration in the supposedly conservative paper Le Figaro. It was refused. WHere are the EU and the German Press ?
Still much missed in Warsaw. The best ambassador HRH ever had in this country. That's what a lot of people say. Hope you come back here again one day.
Thanks for the kind words. I go only where I'm invited!
You all clapping hands in support of the paranoid Kaczynski, who based all his philosophy on convincing lots of Polish people that they are poor and stupid (6 year olds are too young to go to school in Poland) and it is all because of the foreign powers… you forget that what is the most imporant stake here is Poland's and world's future for the sake of your children. Polish economy was growing in the last few years against all the other trends in Europe, so surely it is not in the interest of the country to throw the toys out of the pram now.
Majority in Parliment doesn't give you mandate to offend people and treat power as your own way to satisfy your greed for power and cover complexes. People they chose to replace experienced one with years of service under different parties in charge are not qualified at all – picked by the rule of loyality and not competences.
The lose either way is Poland, same scenario every time – envy to those who have happy successful life makes those who have no idea what to do with themselves bring the rest to the same level.
Cameron and now EU Commission have been handed a stick to use to ensure that Poland will be excluded from the circle of support in the future and they don't have to feel guilty about it.
Mr.Kaczinski is just telling the truth about the situation in Poland, you don't need to listen to him if you don't want.
He is surrounded by a very professional team. I think it is the best government we ever had. I just hope some international business cartels will not stop them from acting .Practically each day, another electoral promise is realized. It is so pleasant. With Tusk, we were used to have NO electoral promise realized, he was so false and perfidious. His government often did even the contrary what they have promised before the elections. Many people were manipulated and brainwashed by main medias and Gazete Wyborcza ( which had a kind of mental illness to tell the contrary of what the reality was.}
The only media telling the truth were TV Trwam and TV Republika, it was possible to hear the objective experts there.
Tusk was a real dictator, traitor, lier and a manipulator for me. I hope he will never come back to Poland. He was working for benefit of Germany like Komorowski and his friends from WSI were working for Russia.. What a shame..
Mr Crawford, I think you should rather take your own advice from the last paragraph and take some time exploring what is really going on, rather than transposing your historical experience. For example spend some time watching Polish state TV. Just as an anecdote, my mother recently bought from her meagre pension access to private TV station. She said she is happy because now she has Free Europe in TV and it is even not jammed. Yet.
It is unclear why England always lets us down. First not supporting us in the WWII as per the peace treaty but only declaring the war hiding behind the Channel. Secondly, selling us to the soviet block. Now persecuting Polish people who come their country doing odd and skilled jobs while keeping blind eye on muslim raping girls in thousands with impunity.
I do not know how a former diplomat could be so blind or prejudiced to say any positive word about PIS and their government. Stupid beyond imagination hypocritical fundamentalist pseudo catholic and economically stupid to say it gently. To be more precise it is fascism in initial stage. Read below and see it for yourself.
Almost every ingredient of fascism is either mature or progressing
Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause – The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military – Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism – The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media – Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security – Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined – Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected – The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed – Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts – Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment – Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections – Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
From Liberty Forum