My name sporadically pops up on a trashy Maltese site Taste Your Own Medicine set up specifically to lambast Daphne Caruana Galizia.

My attempt to post a comment of clarification on this site has (as far as I can tell) failed:

Dear TYOM,

          I see that I am mentioned here.

I have commented at Daphne Galizia’s site only because my name was mentioned there. I have written to two Malta newspapers. Neither (I think) have published my corrections about their inaccurate words.


As alas I don’t read Maltese, I do not follow what your site is saying about me. Excuse my doubts about its accuracy. If you want to ask questions about my Training work for Maltese officials, please do. I will welcome confirmation that my answers  will be published fully and accurately.




Charles Crawford


I also have sent comments to the Maltastar and the Malta Independent websites, none of which (I think) have appeared.

Plus Daphne herself on several occasions has quoted great chunks from my blog but without the usual blogging courtesy of giving her readers the link to my original work. See eg here

What’s going on? Is this normal Maltese media behaviour?

Maybe I should sue Malta under the European Convention of Human Rights to stop local media outlets traducing me but giving me no respectable right of reply?
