A kind reader has sent me the text of the FCO’s Diplomatic Excellence: Our Reform Agenda for the FCO. I’ll read it closely when heading for Brussels for another round of Speechmaking/Speechwriting training for European diplomats.
One odd thing – the version put out on the FCO’s staff website is headed DRAFT.
Does this mean that the text is not yet ready for promulgation, even though it seemingly has been promulgated to FCO staff under a message from the new PUS Simon Fraser?
Or is this another example of FCO clueless absence of checking by someone – a Metaphor for Unexcellence just when this of all final products needs to be 200% perfect?
Anyone know?
Back later in the week. While I am away, do try to find out where the staggering sums of money to transfer from rich to not-yet-rich countries as supposedly agreed at the Cancun Climate Meeting are supposed to come from.