Israeli superspy Jay Pollard – serving out the final years of his life prison sentence in the USA – is unwell.

My own modest link to the Pollard story is here. Not to ignore here.

Wikipedia blithely glosses over Pollard’s academic links to me, but the general explanation of what the whole story is about reads well. It says that he is due out on mandatory parole in 2015:

Former FBI and navy lawyer M.E. "Spike" Bowman, top legal adviser to navy intelligence at the time, and with intimate knowledge, of the Pollard case, has issued a detailed critique of the case for clemency, asserting "Because the case never went to trial, it is difficult for outside observers to understand the potential impact and complexity of the Pollard betrayal. There is no doubt that Pollard was devoted to Israel. However, the extent of the theft and the damage was far broader and more complex than evidenced by the single charge and sentence."[84] Bowman wrote that Pollard "was neither a U.S. nor an Israeli patriot. He was a self-serving, gluttonous character seeking financial reward and personal gratification."[84]

Jay had wonderful chances in life. And spent that life in prison.

What is it about Israel and spying? In my 1979 intake at the FCO was a comely Scottish lawyer called Rhona Ritchie. She was posted to Israel on her first overseas tour. And bit the dust, after being caught passing documents to an Egyptian diplomat. Her prison sentence was suspended. No real secrets had been conveyed.

It can’t be said often enough. If you are minded to steal secrets the old-fashioned way, don’t overdo it.