My piece over at Transconflict about Bosnia has attracted all sorts of the usual lively comments.

Including the magnificent Owen:

The stale odour of complacent Majorite neo-realism, sexed up with an intro of pure, ineffable Foreign Office superiority and disdain for lesser breeds


Then there’s several from bosniak-Radislav, which get my name wrong but rather make my own point that many Bosniaks think that the whole territory is ‘for’ them or otherwise theirs::

“The main problem is that the various Bosniak leaderships all hate the idea, as it further denies their core instinct that the whole territory of Titoist Bosnia and Herzegovina is ‘for’ them. And if the largest community in BiH won’t buy it, that change won’t happen.”

What exactly is Titoist Bosnia Herzegovina? I do love how Crawford starts his article by diminishing Mujanovic, as to cover up for teh fact that he´s article could have have been written by Matthew Parrish or Damain Duff.

“The Serbs have no reason to give up or redefine ‘their’ share of BiH, and have all sorts of legal ways to block constitutional reform.”

Crawford fails, deliberatly one thinks to mention that it´s not their share, unless ethnic cleansing and genocide are okey by his standards?

… Bottom line, some 50% of bosnia´s population live on 24% of the countrys areal, as result of clansing and genocide, many are displaced around the globe, and frankly it´s time for those who consider themselvs bosnian to take back what whas stolen from them, so that inte the future we don´t waste time commenting articles written by Matthew Parrish Marko Prelec or James Crawford… Just nullify the issue

Betty is on my side:

Great response. I was going to write a response to Jasmin’s article as well along similar lines but couldn’t get the energy to respond to such drivel.

The tension in all this is the timeless one between Is and Ought. How far should the ‘international community’ accept the consequences of injustice, even if the IC can work out what is just and unjust in any given situation?