
Welcome Guido readers. And see below a comment from Denis M himself. To which I have replied here.

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Here is former FCO Minister Denis MacShane in full electoral rant against the Conservatives’ links with exotic foreigners:

… the judgment call of David Cameron in crawling into bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner with weird rightwing nationalist populists does deserve greater scrutiny

This caught my beady eye:

The PiS party in Poland is the main ally of the Conservatives. But whenever PiS politicians have gained power, they have targeted gays. As mayor of Warsaw, the PiS leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, banned Gay Pride marches and the PiS MEP Kaminski uses the term "paed " – a homophobic Polish slang word that needs no translation – to denigrate opponents.


Has he simply made that up?

The Kaczynskis have had various positions since the end of Communism in Poland. Can Denis substantiate his claim that ‘whenever they have gained power, they have targeted gays?’ with something other than this one tired lugubrious Warsaw parade example?

Which was followed by the visits of the PiS Prime Minister and later President Kaczynski to London, during which the issue was not raised once by this Labour government of which Denis himself was a Minister?

Here is what I have posted on the Guardian website under his article:

Come on, Denis, do your minimal homework, spend a bit longer on these pieces and get things right.

It was NOT Jaroslaw Kaczynski who banned a Gay march in Warsaw but his twin brother Lech when he was Mayor. And Mayor Kaczynski also banned a Mass Sex event where scores of men were to queue up to have successive public sex with one woman to try to set a revolting new world record.

So even if he his a raving homophobe (which he isn’t) he at least is a fervent feminist who takes a principled stand against women being humiliated.

And the funny thing in all this is that Labour had no problems with staying as closely as possible to the Kaczynskis in Europe:


So what’s your point again?

We Brits all know that foreigners are complicated and, in many ways, just a bit too ‘foreign’. So let’s all agree to leave them out of this election, shall we? It promises to be stupid enough with this added attraction.

Especially if we can not be bothered to check even the most basic facts.

Such as getting their names right