What is it with J ‘n’ J over at the Guardian?

First we had this Jonathan Steele going to Hell.

Now we have Jonathan Freedland frothing himself up about eastern Europe’s horrible predisposition to Nazi-style extremism:

… a brand of ultra-nationalistic politics that would repel most voters in western Europe. It exists in Poland and Latvia, but also Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Romania and beyond. During the long decades of the Soviet era this chauvinistic, often racially supremacist politics was buried; but in 1989 it was exhumed, shook off the dirt, and breathed once more…


He cites at least one wild Hungarian to support this cheeky little thesis, so that’s OK then.

But there’s more.

It’s really all about …

Steadily, eastern European governments have sought to craft a new, internationally accepted narrative in which the crimes of Nazism and Stalinism are regarded as equal, with, if anything, the latter as the greater evil. It is the theory of the "double genocide"…

Yes, these people want to deny the Holocaust, by claiming that the crimes of Stalin’s communists need to be weighed with the crimes of Hitler’s Nazis.


If JF wants to explore the dirty rivers of current European anti-semitism, he needs only click on to the Guardian’s own CiF pages and read the rantings of people there against Israel and Jews.

And there’s even a website to help him do just that