Opinion / American Politics

Warsaw NATO Summit

Here’s my Telegraph piece on the NATO summit in Warsaw. Thus: Poland’s President Duda wonders what President Obama will say to him privately about Poland’s constitutional wranglings. President Obama has his mind on yet more ghastly shootings back home. France’s President Hollande eyes his horrible polling numbers and wonders whether […]

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Iraq: Mars v Venus (again)

The Chilcot Report saga prompts me into reposting a speech I gave in Germany in 2004 about Iraq, diplomacy and pretty much everything. Here it is in full. Looking back on it now I conclude that it’s too long, repetitive/involved and lacks ‘Structure’. Not clear what two or three key […]

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Chilcot – Whatever

So. Farewell then, Tony Blair’s reputation. The monumental Chilcot Report on the UK’s role in the Iraq invasion is out. Here it is. Several gazillion pages. No-one can or will read it all. But it will remain a vast trove of material for anyone interested in Diplomatic Technique and how […]

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Brexit v UKinEU (21): The Consent of the Governed

Here is my piece today for the Telegraph as the referendum campaign staggers over the line. Some good stuff: Back in the mid-2000s, Tony Blair addressed the annual gathering of British ambassadors. In the Q&A our then Ambassador in Paris warned the Prime Minister that London’s EU policies were going […]

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Jo Cox and Binary Politics

Here are two strong pieces on the appalling killing of Jo Cox MP and what (they say) it tells us about other things, including ourselves. They are by some chance related. The first by Alex Massie at the Spectator: So, no, Nigel Farage isn’t responsible for Jo Cox’s murder. And […]

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Brexit v UKinEU (12): Sovereignty (2)

Continuing from my previous post. It follows that the EU is a stupendously good idea, right? Peace, love, understanding – all neatly codified via mutual treaty networks for the benefit of EU member states’ citizens. In fact it’s such a fine idea that other regions of the world are planning […]

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Alyson Bailes Remembered

My former FCO colleague the legendary Alyson Bailes alas has died, at the age of 67. Here is her Guardian obituary quoting Sir Kim Darroch: Her flair for languages was remarkable. She spoke and read French, Hungarian, German, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish at what she herself described as […]

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Risky Speeches

+++ Update +++ Needless to say, mocking Mrs Clinton for barking like a dog (see below) opens a sinkhole of sexism. What drivel. * * * * * My book Speeches for Leaders (signed hard copy available outside North America here) has a whole chapter devoted to the issue of ‘risk’ […]

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Hillary meets Stickerkid

One of the worst parts of public speaking for a speaker is not knowing what else is going on while you orate. My book on the subject Speeches for Leaders talks about the perils of e-heckling: It gets worse. Imagine a woman leader giving a serious, substantive speech about global inequalities […]

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Obama Cuba Failure

In the debate last week on the foreign policy success or otherwise of President Obama, I made the point that he had offered Cuba the normalisation of diplomatic relations without pressing for anything (even rhetorically) in return. Why not use this high-profile move to make the case strongly for a […]

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