Opinion / American Politics

The Zimmerman/Martin Case: Racism and Justice

I draw your attention to this piece by Sam Rocha at Patheos (a site bringing together all sorts of different religious views and insights). It looks at the Zimmerman trial with a keen eye, and draws some wide conclusions based on reading many of the key court documents/statements (NB fascinating […]

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George Zimmerman on Trial

I have been away at Crawf Major’s University graduation ceremony and generally wilting in the heat of the sun and the England cricket attack. Some space for some writing now reappears, including a nice opportunity to write something for Scotland’s Sunday Post about Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream […]

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More on Zimmerman: Living off Fumes

Good grief. Nice writing on race and related issues by ‘mixed race’ writer Shelby Steele who knows a few things about the history of race relations in the USA and has written a book on the subject, White Guilt. Thus: Today’s black leadership pretty much lives off the fumes of […]

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Do Libertarian Principles Favour Left or Right? Yes

The surging movement championed by President Obama towards gun control in the USA turns out to be a steady movement towards fewer controls. See this interesting map: Illinois has just become a shall-issue state, which means that pretty much any law-abiding adult age 21 and above can get a license […]

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Where Did US Policy in Egypt Go Wrong?

My latest piece for PunditWire looks at some of the feeble messages emanating from President Obama’s much heralded Cairo speech in 2009 and wonders if they missed the point. It notes that the vast crowds in Cairo demonstrating against the Muslim Brotherhood have been identifying the current US Ambassador by […]

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Zimmerman Trial

Some US trials mutate into epic morality plays or vasty political metaphors that (it is said) are a Microcosm of Society. Especially when there is a ‘racial’ element involved (or said to be involved) the fairness or otherwise of the process and the eventual outcome is scrutinised in astonishing detail […]

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Edward Snowden Sucks up to Dictators

Every now and again an article comes along that assembles all one’s own inchoate half-thoughts into a free-flowing stupendous whole. This time Charles Moore delivers on the plight of wretched US über-leaker Edward Snowden: Acting in the name of a morality which disdains allegiance to the rule of national law, […]

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Edward Snowden: Bewilderingly Stupid

It is interesting how quickly these heroic WikiLeakers plummet into self-ridicule. Here is E Snowden moaning about his current situation: He says President Obama is putting pressure on the countries from which he has requested political asylum. “The president ordered his vice president to pressure the leaders of nations from […]

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Back Again

Long time no blog. I am in Warsaw to give masterclasses in Negotiation Skills to Polish officials. I have just spent the best part of an hour dictating into the computer someone fascinating observations on the latest revelations about Western electronic eavesdropping and the renewed political unrest in Egypt. All […]

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Iran’s Elections: Missing the Point

UPDATE  This piece below (“Short, pithy, packed with more wisdom than you find in bloviations ten times the length”) has been picked up by the Browser   Here is my latest piece over at Commentator, looking at the startlingly poor performance by a clueless State Department spokeswoman when asked to […]

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