Opinion / American Politics

Public Speaking Technique: Obama On Osama

Max Atkinson praises President Obama’s ‘masterful mood changes’ exemplified in part by his Osama Bin Laden televised address last night. You can see and read it at https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/05/02/osama-bin-laden-dead   Yet it’s much too long, with (as usual) too much Obama praising Obama, plus some of it is, ahem, just ghastly:   […]

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Feminism = Peace!

Or not: "The change [in Administration policy] became possible, though, only after Mrs. Clinton joined Samantha Power, a senior aide at the National Security Council, and Susan Rice, Mr. Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations, who had been pressing the case for military action to avert a potential humanitarian catastrophe, […]

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Instapundit v Andrew Sullivan

Instapundit takes his fun where he finds it. Luckily at the moment there’s a lot to find.

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US Liberals Wail And Gnash Their Teeth At Obama

Don Surber: I have all along wished for Barack Obama’s success, because I knew the only way for him to be a successful president would be to adopt the policies of President Bush With an added Leftist misogynistic classic eggcorn from Robert Dreyfuss in The Nation: We’d like to think that […]

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How Much Radiation Is(n’t) Good For You

If you haven’t read this superlative and yet creepy article about the lushly irradiated wildlife around Chernobyl, do so now: On the surface, Igor says, the wildlife seems to be thriving, but under the fur and hide, the DNA of most species has become unstable. They’ve eaten a lot of […]

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Down With Che!

Phew. This lays it on the line for Mr Guevara, spoiled brat turned cruel bossyboots: Every time I see some privileged person protest touring, I think of Che. Every time I hear about some insurrectionists starting shit in other people’s neighborhoods, I think of Che. Every time some twenty-something white […]

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Sorry, Libya – You’re Not Our Neighbour

Here’s something I sent to the Evening Standard – not sure if they used any of it: Perhaps the most difficult moral and legal question of our time is this one: “who is my neighbour?”   Domestic law has moved a long way from an earlier tradition that what went […]

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Where Are The Americans?

“Where the Americans?” That’s the sixty-four-dollar question. Chaos in Egypt: “Where are the Americans?” Gadaffi in Libya: “Where are the Americans?” Devastation in Japan: “Where are the Americans?” I am in London for a few days. At a dinner party last night, that was once again the question: “Where are […]

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Two Magnificent Articles

Thanks to the diligence of Instapundit, I bring you two fine essays. Make time to read them, as you’ll be smarter when you have done so. The first is by Kenneth Anderson, who looks at the legal and moral/philosophical basis for rival options for other countries intervening in Libya militarily […]

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What’s Wrong With Taking Dictators’ Money Anyway?

The agonies continue at the LSE over the fact that it took Libyan money. Here is the sensible memo which an unhappy Fred Halliday wrote on the subject in October 2009. It reads quite well now. Here briskly defending what New Labour did by way of opening up to Libya is […]

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