Opinion / American Politics

Cuba: Triumph Of The Heroic Shirking Classes

Awesome Guardian piece on the Cuban regime’s bold plan to stop paying people nothing to do nothing: Authorities announced yesterday they will lay off more than 1 million state employees in the island’s biggest economic shake-up since the 1960s. Cuts begin immediately, with 500,000 jobs due to go by March. […]

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Right-wing blogger sensation

I have surged from a measly 76th place in 2009 to a glorious 40th place this year in the Total Politics 2010 list of the Top 100 right-wing blogs. As a treat I offer you this review by Leon Wolf of the book Dirty, Sexy Politics by Meghan McCain. It is […]

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Our Intuitive Sense Of Fairness

An interesting piece by James Kwak about how his economics students tackled a problem supposedly about fairness in business practice: Today in class, the professor posed the first question from the paper: “A hardware store has been selling snow shovels for $15. The morning after a large snowstorm, the store […]

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I creep towards modernity. Postings on this site are now likely to be Tweeted on Twitter, where I have a happy but select group of (as of right now) 200 Followers. If anyone on Twitter has not yet followed Lileks, do so. He is the master of this demanding genre.

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9/11: What If ..?

James Lileks: They can talk for hours about how wrong it was to kill babies, busboys, businessmen, receptionists, janitors, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers – and then they lean towards you, eyes wide, and they say the fatal word: But. And then you realize that the eulogy is just a preface. […]

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BBRU 280

BBRU 280 is up at Redemption Blues. The host, Chameleon, loves to take these blog links on their merits (and, yes, many of them do have merits!) and mull over the ideas they prompt. Plus she has this excellent passage on the idea that we have too many consumerist ‘choices’: […]

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Tony Blair’s Memoirs: Iraq

The punditry gushes forth re Tony Blair and his memoirs. Here on the Right is Simon Heffer, quiet Ayn Rand fan and very conservative in all respects, liking Mr Blair (whom he knows) but being baffled by the poor writing: It appears to be a book written in tune with […]

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Off To Warsaw

Off go sundry Crawfs to Poland for a few days, myself mainly working. Not much posted here this month. Am I running out of steam for this blogging business? Or is it just grey, muggy, flat August malaise time? Sigh. Quickies to keep you amused for a few days while […]

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Ground Zero ‘Mosque’: Another Obama Speech Clunker

President Obama has pronounced on the Cordoba Center (aka Ground Zero Mosque) controversy.Speaking to a Ramadan gathering he said this: Recently, attention has been focused on the construction of mosques in certain communities -– particularly New York. Now, we must all recognize and respect the sensitivities surrounding the development of […]

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EU Foreign Policy Picks Up The Telephone – But Says What?

The Daily Telegraph reports that the new EU Ambassador In Washington Joao Vale de Almeida is bent on elbowing out of the way such diplomatic minnows as HM Ambassador Nigel Sheinwald: Mr Vale de Almeida has stressed to Washington officials and politicians that under the EU’s’ Lisbon Treaty, he has […]

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