Opinion / American Politics

As For The World Cup

It comes round again. The bewildering inability of an England football team to field a midfield group of players able to tackle hard and/or trap and control and pass the ball with high accuracy/speed almost every time. This time with added goal-keeping cluelessness. The effect is ingeniously to organise the […]

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The Inexplicability Of Jeremy Seabrook

How to ‘explain’ the shootings in Cumbria? Jeremy Seabrook in the Guardian helpfully shows why he is inexplicable: The second thing is, in our desire to explain these events solely as examples of personal pathology, we concentrate on the individual, and do not interrogate the role of society and a […]

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Crawford Payback Time

Come on, readers, wherever you may be on the planet, but esp in the UK. We urgently need a networked generosity swarm effect here. Time to chip in for a good cause. Update: many thanks to those who have pledged a little something to Elly. As Instapundit says, Faster please

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Business v Politics: What President Obama Could Have Said On That Oil Leak

And another Business and Politics piece, suggesting that in the face of a serious problem with no ready solution, the right tone is always to be measured and constructive. And not to seek to find Someone to Blame. Hence some handy tips for President Obama’s speechwriters.    

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President Obama v Ayn Rand

A neat little piece here, getting to the heart of Reality – and where Reality meets Politicians. Not a place politicians much like, as it shows too much about them: “Plug the damn hole,” Obama told them. That’s the politician’s answer to every intractable problem: give orders, issue threats, and […]

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Un-Constitutionalism In Latin America

Why does Latin America underperform so consistently? Vast land mass, rich in resources, manageable populations and so on. Yet wracked with instability and fecklessness, which never seem to end. One answer – the fact that the political rules keep changing, which means that in effect there are no rules and so […]

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Is Venezuela Supporting Terrorism?

Some US Senators are asking some terse questions about Venezuela’s active anti-American policies: The State Department currently designates four nations — Syria, Cuba, Sudan, and Iran — as state sponsors of terrorism. These countries provide ideological support and material assistance to terrorist groups. Once you consider the evidence behind Venezuela’s substantial ties […]

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Was Albert Einstein In Fact A Bit Thick?

As readers will have noticed, someone describing himself/herself as George Dutton is now following this site closely and commenting with oh-so-clever remarks celebrating Socialism. He quotes from a remarkable essay by Albert Einstein on Why Socialism? from 1949. Here is Albert fretting over the survival of the human race (as well […]

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Inconceivable – Labour Loots The Unconceived

Over at Business and Politics: Driving back home yesterday I almost crashed the car, so overwhelmed I was by a blast of noxious fumes verily of Icelandic proportions erupting from the radio. A senior TUC person was intoning that it would be wrong for the new government to make deep […]

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Climate Change: Obama Stabs Europe

Remember the Copenhagen Summit climate change debacle? The terrific Spiegel Online has fascinating material said to be extracted from tape-recordings of the key meeting between Merkel/Brown/Sarkozy/Obama and the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister, there because the Chinese Prime Minister did not deign to join the gathering: Now, for the first time, […]

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