Opinion / Masterclasses, Coaching and Teaching

Really Perfect Corruption

Remember the Really Perfect Crime? Thus: The Really Perfect Crime is not defined by the fact that no-one knows who did it.  Instead it is to commit a truly atrocious deed and then arrange things so that we all know exactly who did it – but prefer to look away from the victim, to […]

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Why EU Inflexibility Isn’t Working

Via Samizdata, this Reuters piece describing how young French people are embittered by the system which makes employing people so expensive that employers take on new young staff only on temporary contracts: "There’s a war of generations and strong competition between the different age groups," he added. In the fourth […]

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Blogging Remora Fish: A Lack of Semiotic Subtlety?

Wrinkled Weasel has been sharing some interesting ideas with me on the value or not of blogging as a propaganda tool. He argues that blogging lacks ‘semiotic subtlety/stability’: Unless you state your case unequivocally, the point tends to get missed. If one were to attempt a propaganda blog, the writer […]

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Britblog Roundup 216: Here

Welcome Britblog Roundup fans to the first BBRU hosted here on my site.   To get into the right frame of mind in compiling the roundup I decided to look back to 20 February 2005.  On that momentous day Tim Worstall launched the first ever Britblog Roundup. Here it is. […]

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Britblog Roundup 215: Craig Murray’s Most Self-Important Posting

Is here, hosted by Trixy at Is there more to life than shoes? A question which goes unanswered, at least explicitly. It links inter alia to the most important posting former Ambassador Craig Murray has ever posted, even if he says so himself. The subject is Torture and what he says […]

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UK/Russia Relations – A Good Try

Yesterday I was at Trent College near Nottingham to give a talk to pupils on Great Negotiations of Our Time, namely: The Individual v The Collective Knowledge v Belief Today v Tomorrow By way of elucidation for their educational edification I managed to squeeze in Mr Incredible, the Joker, Clint […]

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Political Correctness – Unmasked

The point about Political Correctness is that it is an attempt to define an ideological and then physical control agenda solely on progressive/leftist terms. It matters less what those terms are than that no-one else other than in-crowd progressives/leftists gets to have a say in defining them. Often the issue is […]

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Watchmen And Gordon Brown: Responsibility

Who is responsible for the current financial turmoil? Anyone? Here is William Rees-Mogg using a sharp scalpel to cut through to what he says is the Prime Minister’s personal responsibility for a serious misjudgement on Lloyds/HBOS, with massive ramifications down the road for us all: It is bad enough that Gordon Brown […]

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Accuracy. Or Suilinguicide?

At a training session for EU officials the other day on Better Briefing, I put up a Powerpoint slide asking the following Question: What is the Supreme Quality in any Brief? Speed Looks at all angles of the problem Clear, reasonable recommendation Readable Accuracy Facts/Opinions/Recommendations kept separate At-a-glance understandable Honesty/integrity […]

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Taxation And The Social Contract

The Tax Justice Network is a lot of busy people keen on extracting more taxes from all round the planet: … our approach does not fit easily into either of the old political categories of left and right. We do not argue generally for high or low taxes (that is for […]

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