Opinion / Masterclasses, Coaching and Teaching

Brexit (4): Negotiation Dynamics

I plan to write lots of things here on how the Brexit situation casts light on Negotiation Theory and Practice. I won’t be alone. The problems and opportunities created by the UK’s Brexit vote will give negotiation pundits material for decades, maybe centuries. Let’s start with some very big picture […]

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Brexit v UKinEU (6): Education

What do younger British people actually know about the European Union? Three younger Crawfs have been making their way through the posh end of the UK education system. Two have finished University and (praise the Lord) are working. Crawf Minima is hurtling towards GCSEs. I have conducted detailed research into […]

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Interview Techniques

Most people at some point in their lives face a daunting moment when their presentation skills will be tested as never before: a job interview. This is not ‘public speaking’ in the normal sense, but all the same principles and techniques apply. Being clear and convincing. Maybe a bit firm […]

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Public Diplomacy: Stupid Words

I am busy on my latest webinar series for international officials on Speechwriting and Talking-Points. I proclaim into my computer and they watch wherever they are around the planet. Haha I tidied the room behind me. One of the core ideas that always strikes home like a thunderbolt in a […]

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Speeches for Leaders

Here it is. The hardback version of my book on leadership and public speaking. Speeches for Leaders. As with the earlier ebook edition, this has been published by Diplomatic Courier in Washington, one of the world’s best magazines for diplomats and diplomacy. As a result the book is available via […]

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Speechwriters in Washington

Back from the Professional Speechwriters Association conference in Washington. A pleasure to meet so many smart and engaging professionals from the wide and varied world of speechwriting. Not least the pugnacious but gracious Hal Gordon, a co-contributor to PunditWire, whose startling knowledge of Othello puts me well to shame. And many others. […]

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PSA World Conference: Speeches for the World

On Saturday I head back to the USA for this year’s Professional Speechwriters Association conference in Washington DC next week. My task is to lead a session next Wednesday on the following tricky theme: Career: So you want to expand your rhetorical reach? What you must know to write speeches […]

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Media Training for Grown-ups

I reappear after weeks of running around the planet from one place to the next. We are putting together a bid for Media Skills training for senior international officials. An interesting issue in all media training is how best to understand/practise the many different sorts of interview that you can […]

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Diplomatic Training – Get The Best

My latest piece for DIPLOMAT magazine, this time on diplomatic training. What exactly do up-and-coming diplomats need to know? In May, I joined international experts pondering such questions at the seventeenth Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum. Professor Joseph Mifsud of the London Academy of Diplomacy wisely reminded us all of The Ambassadors, […]

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17th Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum

In case you have been missing me, I have been on the road. First at this year’s Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum in Croatia. Then back at IAEA (in Vienna) on Leadership Skills. Dubrovnik is of course splendid, if not quite as affordable as it used to be. As for the Forum, the event […]

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