Opinion / Middle East, Arab Spring

US Liberals Wail And Gnash Their Teeth At Obama

Don Surber: I have all along wished for Barack Obama’s success, because I knew the only way for him to be a successful president would be to adopt the policies of President Bush With an added Leftist misogynistic classic eggcorn from Robert Dreyfuss in The Nation: We’d like to think that […]

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My Role In Bombing Libya

One of my first blog posts here described my own modest part as spokesperson for British policy on the night Ronald Reagan bombed Col Gaddafi back in 1986: As news of the attacks broke, the FCO switchboard was soon swamped with callers calling to express in vigorous terms their indignation […]

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Libya: Now What?

The text of the Libya UNSCR is here. Key point as Sir J Greenstock has just pointed out on Radio Four is this (emphasis added): Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take […]

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OMG, Gaddafi Reads My Blog!!

No sooner had I put out the idea this morning that Gaddafi might do well not to blow Benghazi to bits but instead behave in a more guileful way than the cunning fellow proclaims a ceasefire! I knew of course that he swings by this blog now and again, but […]

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Facebook And Arab States

Have a look at these impressive figures for the surging Facebook phenomenon across the ‘Muslim world’. Egypt has added 450,000 new users in the past month. Saudi Arabia (a much smaller country) has added 420,000. These are absolutely big numbers, the more so since (by definition) they represent better-off web-savvy […]

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Sorry, Libya – You’re Not Our Neighbour

Here’s something I sent to the Evening Standard – not sure if they used any of it: Perhaps the most difficult moral and legal question of our time is this one: “who is my neighbour?”   Domestic law has moved a long way from an earlier tradition that what went […]

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Where Are The Americans?

“Where the Americans?” That’s the sixty-four-dollar question. Chaos in Egypt: “Where are the Americans?” Gadaffi in Libya: “Where are the Americans?” Devastation in Japan: “Where are the Americans?” I am in London for a few days. At a dinner party last night, that was once again the question: “Where are […]

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The Case Against Intervening In Libya

Is made here with painstaking care – and from a conservative viewpoint – by Andrew McCarthy at NRO. His conclusion: I appreciate that it is hard to say, “Butt out.” Qaddafi is a monster and his opposition is murky enough (for now) to be portrayed as “rebels” and “freedom fighters.” […]

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Russian Blogging: Navalny Speaks

"…there are about 50,000 people who read my blog daily. If I don’t write, three days later the blog will be read by 20,000 people. In a week, the number of readers will be 2,000 people and, two weeks later, only your mother will go and see if you wrote […]

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Two Magnificent Articles

Thanks to the diligence of Instapundit, I bring you two fine essays. Make time to read them, as you’ll be smarter when you have done so. The first is by Kenneth Anderson, who looks at the legal and moral/philosophical basis for rival options for other countries intervening in Libya militarily […]

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