Opinion / Negotiation Technique

Mediation by Design

Check out the website of the lively new mediation partnership I am developing with Lori Pinkerton-Rolet: Mediation by Design. It has a blog where now and then we offer our thoughts on mediation in action. Such as this one, on the importance of scrutinising very closely (but ideally not too obviously) […]

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NATO and Russia (and Ukraine): European Security Wobbles?

My new piece for Telegraph Blogs looks at NATO’s preparedness (ie lack of) for a new assertive Russia: It is hard to imagine any situation in which Moscow decided that a full-scale military attack on central Europe would be a productive and winning idea. But what about something far more […]

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Charles Crawford – Lateline

Here is my latest piece for Telegraph Blogs about Ukraine/Russia/MH17  that got picked up all over the place, and led to me appearing on Lateline (Australian TV) – the link to the recording of that interview and a transcript of it that they prepared is here: EMMA ALBERICI: Indeed. We’re looking […]

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Putin Sends a Message

Here is the Putin video I referred to in the last post. Thanks to the miracles of WordPress it is now so easy to embed videos that even I can do it… I am now using this clip in Negotiating or Speechwriting masterclasses as a unique and in a way supreme […]

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Ben Judah on Russia

Two terrific pieces by Ben Judah on Vladimir Putin and the Russia he is making. The first has achieved instant acclaim, a searching and meticulously researched account of a Day in The Life of the Russian President in his bullet-proof bubble. One powerful, perfectly turned paragraph after another: And now […]

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MH17: Dealing with Putin – Apocalypse Now?

My latest piece at Telegraph Blogs on the MH17 disaster and who knows what has picked up a lot of attention, including in Australia: The cause of the attack on the plane will have been known immediately to the Russian side. Missiles capable of hitting aircraft at that altitude cannot […]

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Teachers! Solve the Mobile Phone Problem

Here is my latest piece at PunditWire, describing how I dealt with pesky young professionals not paying full attention during my Drafting Skills class last week in Warsaw. The main feature of this one is, of course, the superlative extract from the famous account of how Bertie Wooster is stuck […]

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World War Three (again)

Long time no blog. Too much work that (unlike writing here) pays something, including mulling over my first book on the general theme of diplomatic speechwriting. Then there’s been the World Cup. I currently am busy preparing for several masterclasses in Poland later this month, on Diplomatic Drafting and (now) […]

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Negotiation Technique: What is an Argument?

Yesterday on my lonely dog-walk I listened to an iTunes U podcast presentation from Oxford University on the Theory of Arguments as part of a series on Critical Reasoning. I did not find the lecturer easy to follow, but then it’s not easy to explain simply entailment, causation, necessity and […]

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A New Problem-Solving Service: Mediation by Design

Remember back in December when I cantered to almost victory in a national Mediation Competition? The winner that day was Lori Pinkerton-Rolet. And since then we have been working to join forces to offer a joint mediation service aimed at the creative industries of all shapes and sizes (but of […]

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