In one of those things you never imagined could possibly happen, some feminists are now firmly denying that back in the crazy radical ’60s and 70s women burned their bras to protest their supposed subjugation. Or something.

Why are feminists denying this? Because any such incendiary underwear activities would have trivialised their historic struggle!

Now, confession. I missed the 1960s. I was studying Latin and playing chess. So I never myself witnessed female undergarments going up in smoke, in protest or otherwise. In fact, apart from my mother and some ladies on the bus to school I never witnessed females at all, let alone their smouldering underwear.

But surely it happened. Or was it just a dream?

Luckily someone has had the presence of mind to do the painstaking research needed.

And, yes, them bras burned good!

H/T Instapundit, who invariably points a demoralised world to the stories that matter, and only those stories.