After this horror it gets even worse:

Anna Wintour, the formidable British editor of American Vogue, has been named as a leading fundraiser in the re-election campaign of Barack Obama – an effort that has led to renewed speculation that she might be in line for a political appointment, potentially the US ambassadorship in London should the post becomes vacant later this year as expected…

This preening ninny haircut even does ‘political activity’:

While she was active in Obama’s 2008 election drive, Wintour’s engagement in the political sphere has markedly increased over the last two years. She has attended high-profile White House events, including two state dinners, one of them during David Cameron’s visit in April. She serves on the President’s committee on the arts and humanities and has held Democratic party fundraising events at her New York home…

Well, amazing though it may seem people give money to the Obama campaign because of her:

Wintour, who has been at the helm of the magazine for more than 20 years, has consistently dismissed the suggestion she may be considering a new position. But her personal life – her long-term Texan consort Shelby Bryan was a key Clinton-era fundraiser – and her adept use of professional power make a political appointment a natural move. And vigorous political fundraising is typically key to a posting such as London, as opposed to a career-diplomat position in a less socially hospitable location.

Let virtue indeed be rewarded.