Opinion / General Interest

Talking Of Students

One of my jobs this week has been to take Crawf Minor to University for his Natural Sciences interview. They sent this bouncer down the pitch to him: You have a long steep icy slope. Two cylinders are at the top of the slope. One rolls down, one skids down. […]

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BBRU 288

Is hosted by the always feminist Philobiblon. Look out for the gloomy thoughts of Diamond Geezer on Olympic travel chaos in London in 2012 when the Games are on.  

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David Chaytor – Guilty

Back from Mauritius this morning after a gruelling 18-hour journey. It’s nippy in this grey country after the balmy tropics. When I recover I’ll start giving you some thoughts on the Wikileaks business – enough material there to keep an ex- diplomat blogger in business for a few decades. In the […]

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Britblog Roundup 287: Polish Fish and Chips Edition

These Britblog Roundups are getting erratic.   This one, for example, is a week late. The previously scheduled one never appeared. Nonetheless, pressing on, let’s start with what really matters. The arrival of British fish and chips in Poland.   An unapologetic feminist and trade union activist is unimpressed with […]

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Matter Of Fact It’s All Dark

Remember Eclipse by Pink Floyd, which concludes Dark Side of the Moon? The album famously finishes with a mumbled extract from some words of the recording studio doorman, Gerry O’Driscoll: There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact it’s all dark. The only thing that makes it look […]

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Wonderful Lost New York Subway Station

Look at the sheer design style of this place, New York’s disused City Hall subway station.

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BBRU 286

Is hosted by a Very British dude Who has a brisk line in literary criticism: Philobiblon tries to be more upbeat by reviewing "Rethinking Contemporary Feminist Politics" by Jonathan Dean which can be yours for £54 on Amazon. Those long winter evenings will just fly by. What caught my eye […]

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BBRU 285

Is hosted by Pirate Party activist Amused Cynicism. It links to a completely zany piece by Natalie Bennett attacking the way the US runs its affairs: The “American model” of politics and society supports a small state and everything possible (and sometimes impossible) being left to the market. And the […]

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Picking Things Up

We don’t think much about our hands until they are hurt, and all of a sudden numerous little tasks we took for granted suddenly become impossible or painful. Hands are incredibly flexible. Think what is happening to enable them to pick up from a table in succession a coin, a […]

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Trainyard Disaster

Disaster has struck. We here have discovered Trainyard, a beautiful iPod/iPad game requiring you to configure tracks and allow different coloured trains to chug to their destinations without crashing. So simple. Beautiful to watch. Yet so tricky, requiring layer upon layer of raw logic and sequencing as the track junctions […]

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